How to Maximize Productivity at Work

When there’s a long to-do list on your desk and just a few hours left in the day, you might feel like you don’t have the time to get everything done. If this happens day in and day out, you’ll likely start feeling overwhelmed or fatigued as you try to get to every task despite the ticking clock.

With the following productivity tips, you can get yourself and your team back on track and accomplishing more than ever in a work day!

Hack Your Calendar

Many people underestimate the power of keeping a clean calendar. By that, we mean blocking off time for meetings, work, and relaxation. It’s important to have a space where you can clearly see what you’re supposing to doing at each hour of the day to help you stay on track and hold yourself accountable.

Hone Your Focus

It’s important to minimize distractions during the work day so that you can focus on the task at hand. Try silencing notifications on your desktop and leaving your phone out of your office while you work. This will help you keep your eyes on the prize instead of being distracted every few minutes when someone needs something from you.

Set Priorities

Lots of productivity pundits use the “Top 3” rule when it comes to setting priorities for your day. Pick the top three things you need to accomplish today and put them at the top of your to-do list. These might be tasks that have upcoming deadlines, that other teams need to start their work, or that would make your day tomorrow a little easier.

Organize Your Email

It’s easy to get lost in a sea of emails and feel like you need to respond to each one right away. However, this can result in hours of lost work time each day. Instead, set one or two times during the day when you go through your email and respond to messages. In the first time slot, respond only to urgent matters; in the second slot, evaluate the rest of your messages and decide what requires a response.

Take Breaks

Finally, you need to remember that you’re human and humans need breaks. For your brain to operate at its best, it’s best to take small breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge. Consider walking outside or simply getting up from your desk for a few minutes to stretch your legs and refresh your mind.